The best way to beat inflation is to make more money. Making money is the best way to make money. Inflation may increase bit by bit at a very small percentage increasing the amount of work you do. Exchange of money can easily be the best way to beat an inflated economy and the only way to do that is to let people make money. Instead of looking at the thought of inflation like a giant mountain you will never conquer, try climbing the dream instead of living in one.

Author,. Clayton L. BR., August 8th 2019.


Don’t make America ‘D’rought again, Let America ‘B’e,.

        Did you have the money and could afford something you think you might need or possibly want? You’d be better off buying that thing sooner than later. Not because of inflation by domestic commodities but because they continue to rise and this doesn’t only include your sales experiences. Regular everyday products like household goods and consumer hobby products continue to cost more money as time moves into the future. Inflation sucks and it’s apparently not going anyway. Two and half years as president of America and Donald Trump is throwing in the towel. He’s becoming like Obama and suggesting the practice of inflating the economy by printing more money than necessary based on the gold mint evaluation thus inflating the money system. Surprisingly, inflation of an economy is much simpler than you might think. If the coin and mint industry of the government can pass a bill allowing for more money to be printed and flood the consumer market then inflation will rise.

        Despite what all the fools on the hill and financial jesters are probably going to tell you about inflation, they’re all wrong. The only true way inflation occurs in a society is through the evaluation of the gold mint bars and the amount of money flowing through our economy, than adding to those numbers artificially. If you have 1 million gold bars each worth $600,240.00 that’s 600 billion dollars. This value works in parallel to the amount of debt a country has in the system on the books however you want to word it. United States of America’s debt is approximately 22 trillion dollars. Now obviously no one really knows how much money is found in the U.S. reserves federal bank which is why I can’t accurately calculate a ratio to understand what inflation is right now and what it will be in the future if the government folds the economy with more artificial paper money.

        The reality of the consumer price index is somewhat of a sham in that consumer goods are based on free society a system where companies are allowed to determine the value of their products on their own without the help of the government. Capitalism also plays a role in why very similar products do not bare the same weight in gold because the company themselves is determining their own value. Inflationary practices or excuses while using the term inflation are much of the time a scam. When a company raises prices they do so to make money or to not lose value over the long term. If a government changes the value of their coin the company is obviously tracking this and trying to determine where they can remain stable without losing their own value. The government or financial government backers will tell you this is wrong because they want you to believe society is backwards where the government is following the capitalists.

        There’s no such thing as deflation from the perspective of the buyer. We all like to get a good deal and you could even say people would be happy paying cheap prices for good quality. Sure an economy that’s on the rise and charging their citizens more and more over the years certainly sees this over time as the standard but if prices were to drop and commodities cost less it’s the seller that suffers not the buyer. A good deal is a good deal whether they want to admit it or not. The problem comes from people who saw inflation as an opportunity to make money and if money being worth less than before will they see this as losing money even though they inflated the value of money in the first place. Americans never get anywhere with the practice of inflation based on the last fifty years of American history. As people make more money products cost more money so no one can win except for the filthy rich who are invested in things that don’t lose value or bounce back very easily. On a decline while the American middle class people lose the value of their dollar their commodities now cost more money so they are in a constant chase to make more money to buy back the rights to their own depreciating society. If you get a raise it’s only offset by houses and cars costing more money which means you did not get a raise.

        Unless the value of goods and services or experiences stays the same your raise is valueless. Sure the cost of a candy bar doesn’t change much, except it does b/c the candy bar is said to inflate in the near future, but what kind of American worker thinks he’s made it because he can buy bag of chips and a candy bar? None. American people and mostly all people in the world need larger foreign and domestic products like houses and cars to sustain the belief they are making a difference in their life.

        I’m not a banker, I’m not a financial adviser, in fact I’m the opposite. I’m the guy that reads what they’re writing and hears what they’re saying and sees through their lies. When I was a kid around the time I first started to play the drums I needed to buy a kick drum pedal to upgrade my kit. At the time premium kick drum pedals cost around $200-$250. That seemed like a lot of money to me considering I had no job and no way of making that money. I did chores for my parents to earn money over a six month period to get the money I needed to buy the pedal. My parents were the kind of people who were nice enough to put value on things like mowing the lawn so that I could make money to buy what I wanted. Sure it didn’t happen immediately in the way rich kids want something and their parents shell out the amount of money needed to buy the commodity right then and there, but I saw a way and followed the path I was given. Today the average price of a double kick drum pedal is inflated. If I was a teenager right now the value of that pedal is changed in my eyes but not to the teenager looking to buy the same thing. They don’t know what it’s like to see the same product being sold for less money because they were not alive.

        Inflation only holds it’s difference in value so long as the people who were alive to see the changes are still alive. If we calculate the lifetime of inflation based on the average life span of an American person than 80 years is approximately how long it takes before all the inflationary practices are set in stone and previous allocated prices are forgotten therefore the base index of value is now set in stone. You need to be able to remember the past in order to know the differences in the future. If all you do is worry about the present and what trending attitude guides the value of commodities for people you will miss the point of why society is ripping you off. It’s certainly ripping me off because if I want the same futuristic quality double kick drum pedal of today as an upgrade from my 20 year old pedal I’m paying an inflation price just so I can have the same implemented technology all the kids are using even though I’m replacing something I already have.

        Why should I replace something I already have that works fine and is in fact all I know anyway. Yes I can learn about new products but what’s the point, “if it’s not broken don’t [replace] it.” America is kind of selfish and overtly materialistic in how they perceive happiness. After I bought my drum pedal I forgot all about keeping up with the news of modern drum pedals because I don’t need too. That’s mostly how society will work all the time. Once you buy something you are more likely to not need one therefore many years may pass before you even take the time to see what’s going on with new technology of that similar product. When you finally do decide to look that’s when you’ll notice inflation. It doesn’t creep up on you so quickly that you can literally watch the economy and see values change so drastically that your outraged. It’s years and years in between changes that people don’t notice until it’s too late. What’s done is done and when Trick drum company first unveiled the $400 double kick drum pedal the price was ridiculous considering the company is not well known. Well guess what, now they have a pedal that will cost you $1000.

        Trick Drum Company inflated the price of kick drum pedals on their own, in the way bank professionals refer to consumer price index inflation, and all the other big brands in order to maintain their “prestige” inflated their prices too. Like they say, sometimes companies all on their own effect the economy and change the value of products without inflation by competing with already established business. When you prefer to buy into the newer more inflated commodity you are enabling the creation of inflation in America, as in, buying a Tesla(R).

        Eventually all the brands were charging more money for something I never paid for at that price. I’ve had to maintenance my pedal over the years taking it apart, cleaning it, keeping the bearings greased and chain drive clean and primed for use. The worth of a product that you can keep using for many years shows its value if you consider what it would be like to buy the same product again only because there are new versions of the same. Each time you buy the same it’s only the latest and greatest update on the same technology yet you spend a little more money each time. In many ways repeat customers of the same commodities are to fault and blame for inflation in a society because they are the best customers after all.

        Why would you want to spend money buying the same thing you already have unless it’s unusable; it all seems like a broken practice in valuing artificial value by replacing something that is the same. We all saw this boom happen again and again in the software and hardware technology of cell phones and computers. It took for companies to implement future proof technologies to slow the progress of computer replacement otherwise we’d still be buying a new computer every two years, which sucks.

        That lesson and story about buying my professional drum pedal is a territory most people understand in some manner relating their own purchases hopefully. If they don’t it’s because they’re wealthy enough to not know what I’m talking about right now. Most of the time when people think and write about inflation they always reference stuff that doesn’t mean anything to them, like movie tickets and fast food prices. Sure it’s important but not in the long term because it’s a short term investment and a very light one at that. It gives me the feeling they’ve probably never held onto anything long enough to truly relate why inflation is a scam and deflation would not hurt the economy because they can always destroy bills to re-stabilize the economy. Surprisingly enough most older people who are successful understand why you shouldn’t get excited about being a repeat buyer when it’s unnecessary to your needs in life. (reference: classic car auctions and the people buying or selling)

        If we all know time gives way to value for as long as we’ve been alive why are there so few people that hang on to their valuable before replacing them with newer technologies?

        The government does destroy old bills to replace them with new bills. They also track the amount of money running through the banks in order to track the value of the dollar. That means they could easily remove money from the economy and now that most people have gone dollar free it would be easy to lower inflation without ruining the economy of paper currency. In a paperless society the dollar itself has been used for hundreds of years to relegate the value of American value. Now that we use credit cards couldn’t we use the inherent value of numerical data to purge inflation from our society offering a more truer percentage to what value our economy holds. If not that means credit card companies are selling us a lie about what a paperless society means. On top of that if it does nothing for tracking currency and hindering inflation the paperless society is more about security and less about saving money.

        With the rise of bitcoin currency it’s got me thinking tracking currency using data is something they claim in the bitcoin world to be corrupt-less. Our economy wants you to believe money, the paper dollar, still needs to exist in order to have power over inflation. If our currency was moved to a more paperless society even more than now we would have a way of holding the government and people accountable for the value of the economy. That would mean no more pirates, hackers and corrupt officials manipulating currency by printing paper because paper would not be the ultimate determining factor for why inflation occurs. It would mean inflation never occurs due to the amount of paper in society and is done by the numbers. Despite people going paperless it still doesn’t change the fact that the ‘Grovermint’(Government) can and will print excessive paper money to flood the economy and inflate society if bills and laws are passed in congress.

        In fact the paper aspect of value by which we judge our system and track our money to be in equivalency to our gold bars is the original bitcoin data mine. That way of determining value anyway and true for other industrialized nations. Without tracking the amount of money you put into the economy basing the paper currency solely on gold bars you have a corrupt economy if you print money, like Africa, for no reason. Also I would like to note new gold is being added to the reserve each year. If you’re not familiar with the types of reality shows Gold Rush, people do create new gold so the fact that the Government is trying to make you believe that all increases in value of our economy are due to inflation is Chicago/New York bullshit. They act like American’s have never created something new to introduce new value to our economy and that all our money is only valuable if we have gold. You make a new product and sell it you create gold as much as finding gold in the earth.

        But where did the money come from in the first place, it had to be bartered or had to have held value in order to make trade. On this track path America and Donald Trump are leading ‘the Americans’ towards a negative future where on the corruption percentage index America in the following years will end up a D rating falling below the now 71%. That’s going the wrong direction when you should be figuring out how to make America a B rating. Don’t make America ‘D’rought any more than it has to, Let America ‘B’e,.


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