WARM Audio uses THAT Corp. OpAmps,. 

Special note; I do not endorse or own any Warm Audio equipment at this time. Sometimes knowledge is only for the sake of information rather than a proper agenda purporting ideologies or propaganda.

Notes, excerpts taken from THAT Corp. PDF about OpAmps:

G = Gain, [feedback (+) / feedforward (-)]

Moreover, whether the processor is a compressor or an expander depends on G.

Infinite compression requires infinite G (and is therefore impossible to achieve, though it is possible to get close. – THAT Corporation (OpAmps) / Feedback Compression Techniques,.

For G>1, the ratio becomes negative, which results in “negative compression”. In this configuration, the output decreases as the input increases. The dynamic inversion thus produced sounds somewhat like playing a tape backwards. – THAT Corporation (OpAmps) / Feedforward Compression Techniques,.

“The combinations are limited only by the imagination of the designer.” –

In feedforward processors, the level detector is exposed to the entire dynamic range of the input signal.

However, the feedback configuration has the disadvantage that not all compression ratios are possible. The high level of feedback required to reach high compression ratios makes feedback processors more likely to exhibit instabilities if high compression ratios are allowed

Feedback compressors do not allow for expansion,. Feedforward compression designs do allow expansion in addition to compression. An example of this would be the Elysia Xpressor

Consider that in either type of compressor, the output will overshoot on sudden transients unless the detector response is instantaneous. The detector in the feedback compressor sees this overshoot, which will modify its response behavior. The detector in the feedforward compressor sees only the input signal, and acts accordingly.

Mirror-Image Symmetry  “feedback encoder / feedforward decoder”


“Traditionally, soft-knee compressors have been preferable for unobtrusive level control where the original sound is to be changed as little as possible whereas ratio type compressors are generally considered more successful in creative applications or where large amounts of gain reduction are required” – Drawmer Electronics

Compressors are often accused of dulling the sound being processed, and a little explanation is needed to understand exactly why that is,.

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{play track #4}

A very strange manual of information regarding parts indeed,.

As I was looking at the manual, (found here:
for the Warm Audio 412 Quad preamp design I noticed something strange, maybe even disturbing. In the manual there are different languages other than English. That’s normal, but what’s not normal is what I found while scrolling through the Spanish section of the manual. The French section was pretty much the same as the English version. The Spanish version on the other hand had a difference. Instead of Altran Transformers it says CineMag. The English manual states the Warm Audio quad preamp design 412 comes equiped with a custom OpAmp designed by Warm Audio (X520) to recreate the API 312s OpAmp design. The transformer included with the Spanish manual states the words CineMag found on page 16 of the manual. I don’t speak Spanish but it’s clear enough to me to find specific English language brand words in any foreign manual.

spanish warm audio 412 cinemag

I think the real issue here is whether or not the Spanish people get the benefit of using a transformer that most people would prefer over the American edition of the Warm Audio 412 equipment that comes equipped with an Altran transformer.

Cinemag transformer OR Altran transformer? …

Why would the same equipment come with different parts depending on what part of the world it was being shipped to; and, if that’s the case according to these facts found in the manual any person that buys the Warm Audio 412 equipment in America versus Latin America would usually not understand why a person using the same equipment as them is somehow defeating them on the music charts.  i.e. J Balvin.



Utah Covid-19 numbers as I’m typing this blog

28 Utah 806 4 802

States in America are the size of countries in most parts in the world. People outside of America that pay little attention to this fact might not realize most states in America are very self dependent trying their best to provide fruit and grains or other life resources. Due to the states in America being so indepedent I often think about how I miss some brands from Washington State that are no longer found in Utah State. Many brands of bread, honey or other various food needs are easily location based rather than a national experience in America. Utah does well to provide many local resources remaining separate for their basic necessities. Due to this form of state side indepdence in America when you compare the deaths from Covid-19 to European nations you realize how much their own view of the world impacts their victimization from a viral outbreak.

Personally, the best way to prevent the outbreak from spreading is for a region to remain independent in order to refuse transfer of the virus from one place to another.


See the source image
Since March 12th, 2020 to now, March 30th, 2020, Litecoin has seen stable plateau curves in such a manner that with minor ups and downs the standard curvature deviations are not too far from a consistency for weeks now. The likelihood of a curvature upsets with the coming weeks is vital to understand whether that curve will grow or deplete. Understanding why the curve is remaining flat now after the faulty decline due to a manor of stocks & brides requiring funds from the newly afloat Cryptocurrency bridge to freedom, many underground coin traders realize the strength of the cryptocurrency obviously comes from strength in reality. A stable curve now shows signs there is enough money in society to keep new coin based proof-of-trade businesses running in order to vflatten the curve.



 ON this day; African American men get to vote.

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” – Maimonides (Born March 30th 1135)

“Tell the truth so as to puzzle and confound your adversaries.” – Henry Wotton (Born March 30)

“I have now established myself in a most enviable manner. Those who require something of me must seek me out – I remain apart. I work for no one unless he is a high-ranking personality or a friend.” – Francisco Goya (Born March 30)

“In the ashes of a burned down house, the remains reveal space for rebuilding. Time away from what you have always known is only more time to figure out what time really means.” – Clayton L BR

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